Estate Agent in Spain?
Join our FREE Property Sharing Network.
Get access to thousands of properties and share your direct listings for commission splits.
Approx. 5600+ Properties and GROWING!
Membership Includes:
1. Upload your Direct Listings via XML Feed
2. Property Sharing with Commission Splits
3. Your Listings on our UNIQUE Property Portal
4. Your listings in front of thousands of English speaking buyers from the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, France etc.
Search the property database to find properties for your clients.
You will have your own CRM system that will allow you to contact the listing agents.
(Setup collaboration agreements, find out availability, commission rates, and arrange viewings for your clients)
Manually add clients that you receive via social media email etc.
Add your direct property listings via your XML feed.
Share your direct properties with other MLS members so they can provide you with leads for your properties.
NEW ... Add your clients' matching criteria to see which of your clients matches to every property in the network!